Sunday, October 20, 2013

Duh another iconic transition

 So as I was thinking more about some real stand out transitions I realized I missed probably one of the most famous ones of all time:

  How could I have possibly passed up this scene?  The use of black and white film indicating everything before she ends up in Munchkin City is genius in my opinion.

For a film from 1939 I think this was an amazing depiction of a unique transition, done with out special effects.  It is still, in my opinion, one of the most stunning visual movies ever.  There are not many newer, current films from today that can even compete.  And that says a lot since directors have all the bells and whistles for new technology at their fingertips.  
This got me thinking about why I am drawn to older films.  To me, it takes real talent to invoke a feeling, get a point a cross and make the viewer really a part of a film where they are so entranced by what is going on, at the end they felt like it happened to them.  I almost feel this was done better prior to all this technology.  I feel as if directors get so consumed by the technology that it becomes the main focus and it distracts from the movie.  I mean I tend to think I am fairly intelligent and I do not mind being made to think or even connect two dots in order to understand a story being played out on screne.  However, with all this use of technology there is no more of a challenge on the the behalf of the director to have to do something different or unique. 
Take for example this scene from Alfred Hitchcoks "Notorious:"

There is a nice dissolve transition but on top of that.  The shot really makes the viewer experience the hangover Ingrid Berman's character is feeling.  I love how the shot shows Cary Grant's character entering the room and what it would look like from Ingrid Bergman's perspective from laying on the bed.  It also gives the viewer a very dizzying sensation which is just perfect for a scene in which a person is hung over.  (How many of us know that dizzying feeling?!?!?)

Cary Grant is my favorite male actor while Ingrid Bergman is my favorite female actress and Hitchcock is just a genius in my opinion. 

1 comment:

  1. Notorious is one of the best movie's ever! This is an excellent post. You go beyond giving a simple example to giving many examples, and reflecting on them. Your blog is amazing.
